What is a skin assessment?

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1.       I cleanse your makeup off while I feel the texture of your skin.  Dry skin feels rough, moles that are raised need a second look and may require a dermatologist referral, flakey patches are also a high concern as well as any bumpy texture that may point to a rash, Rosacea flare or allergic reaction to a product you’re using at home. At this time, or before I start, I will ask you about your home routine and about your health: Do you wash once or twice per day? Do you use scrubs or masks? Do you shave or pluck or have you recently had any type of hair removal?  Any medications or recent changes in them? Any prescription topical creams?  Any hormonal conditions, recent pregnancies, menopause or any changes in skin because of your cycle?  These questions may sound intrusive, but knowing what happens inside you lets me know how to combat how it shows up on the outside.

2.       I shine a bright light on your face looking at the color of your skin. Blotchy skin and dark circles under the eyes may indicate allergies or other issues.  Redness may indicate Rosacea and sensitive skin.  I’m looking for acne and scarring. Cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia, sun damage, and mole size, shape and color. I am also confirming and taking note of the texture that I felt during cleansing.  All of this information is noted in your chart and I watch for changes each time you come in.  With the goals that we spoke about before cleansing and the info that these 1st steps provide, I plan out that day’s treatment as well as a daily/weekly/monthly treatment plan and at home routine so that we can both work to reach your beauty goals. 

3.       I either start the treatment planned for that day, alter the planned treatment because of a discovery during the assessment or send you on your way to read over the assessment and decide for yourself what you can afford to move forward with: home skincare routine, professional strength in office treatments or both.

Home skincare routines are checked and if needed, reassessed after 1 month (usually your second or third in office treatment).  A full skin cycle must run to see if your skin likes the new routine.  A skin cycle as the time it takes from baby cells to be born at the deepest layer of the epidermis (the skin's outer layer), and mature as they rise to the surface and ultimately slough off.  For people over 40, it takes a bit longer (usually about a month and a half). 

Each time you return for a treatment, no matter what we are doing that day, steps 1-3 are performed.  This allows me to take note of how the plan is progressing and if we need to tweak anything.  There will always be stress, hormonal changes, travel, medication, sickness, seasonal changes and life changes that will affect your skin. I am just here to help you look your best while life, sometimes brutally, moves forward. 

Anatomy of Our Custom Facial

Microderm for clean, glowing skin.