Have great holiday skin.

Going into the holiday season, this may not be what you want to hear, but dairy and sugar greatly affect the skin. Acne is the number one thing that that can happen with consumption of dairy and sugar. Sugar also causes faster aging and cell death, which is bad for skin and your bodily organs. One or two pieces of candy or an occasional piece of pizza won’t ruin your skin, but regular consumption will indeed cause acne, wrinkles, inflammation and can make Rosacea and other skin conditions worse. Read more.

After a weekend of indulgence, I always do a peel and then right after, an acne mask. This leaves the pores clean so when the oil production rears up, it won’t cause a clog and infection, causing acne. Think ahead. Get your at home peel and acne mask before your holiday diet vacation.

Sugar not only increases your waistline, it speeds cell death and the aging process!

Sugar not only increases your waistline, it speeds cell death and the aging process!

Perfect Skin All Winter

Microneedle: Science PROVEN acne/wrinkle/scar improvement