Why am I getting acne?  I’m too old for this!


As we age, excess dead skin clogs pores, PH levels get less acidic, making skin susceptible to bacterial growth, and stress and menopause stimulate oil production. The extra oil produced mingles with the loitering dry skin creating a sticky situation and you develop acne.  In a time where you’re on fire, sweaty and irritable, try not to panic, just follow a routine that’s right for your skin’s needs. 

In Office Treatment: Monthly peels, microderm and LED Light Therapy to get skin back to normal, then space the treatments out once skin is clear and home routine is dialed in. This will help acne AND signs of aging as well as get you using the proper products to heal the skin without aging it further. SCHEDULE NOW

Home Routine:

1: Cleanse. Twice a day and after exercising with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid and/or glycolic acid.  Don’t use a teen acne cleanser! They over-dry skin and make wrinkles more apparent.

2: Tone. Balance PH levels after cleansing; even just water alters desired levels.

3: Moisturize. You don’t need a night cream/day cream/eye cream...  Shoot for a moisturizer that your skin likes.  You may need different moisturizers for dryer seasons or if you travel to wetter climates. 

4: Lastly, WEAR SUNSCREEN!  UV rays immediately help a breakout, but also cause inflammation, acne scarring, wrinkles, age spots and cancer.  I’m not a fan of 2 in 1 moisturizers with sunscreen, but that’s a whole other article.

If you’re overwhelmed or don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on the wrong products, call Revive and get a skin assessment and free product samples to try before you buy. 

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