Teen Acne: Prevent life long acne scarring. Sign them up for a teen facial.

Acne can plague us at any age but during adolescence and puberty is the time to start battling it.  Pre-teens are just learning how to take care of themselves and then BAM!, puberty kicks in and hormones turn their faces into an oily mess.  Chances are that your child will have some form of acne during this time. 

It is so very important to have your child on the right routine ASAP!  Washing twice per day with the proper cleanser for their skin type and applying the proper lotion will keep most acne at bay and will lessen the chances of life long scarring. 

Most drugstore acne products are formulated to dry-out the skin; this is not a long-term solution.  In most people, this over-dries the skin, which stimulates oil production and creates MORE ACNE.

Addressing acne as early as possible will lessen the need for stronger medications, lasers and chemical peels later.  TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! 

Our teen facial includes a deep cleanse, exfoliation, a mask and LED light therapy to kill acne bacteria. We educate your child on how to take care of their skin through routine and consistency. A consistent home routine is key to treating and preventing acne and acne scarring. Having the right skincare for THEIR skin is key too. Many kids have dry skin and acne; drugstore products rarely take this into acount assuming all kids have oily skin; thus drying their skin out more and making the acne worse. Help your child to destroy their acne and restore their self esteem, sign them up for a teen facial today.

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