Lake Oswego Revive Closes Indefinitely

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To my lovely Lake Oswego Clients,

It is with a heavy heart that I have made the decision to close the Lake Oswego Revive location indefinitely.

Because of COVID requirements for the acupuncture clinic I rent from, the shared space is not feasible any longer. For full time rented space, I would need a more steady flow of business in that area and that’s just not been happening over the last year.

What this means for your services:
Revive Troutdale will be open in July (Hopefully. As of now, Multnomah County COVID closure is still in effect and has been extended). I would be happy to see you at this location! Many of you were already being seen in Wood Village location before I moved. The new location is not much further than the old location. I do understand if this is just too far for you to travel and I am sad to say good bye.

What this means for your home product routine:
Revive products, Osmosis Makeup and Coola sunscreen products are already being sold on our online store; we will continue to ship your products directly to your door.

I already miss you; I’m sorry to have to make this hard decision. Thank you for your patronage in my Lake Oswego location. I hope to see you again soon.

With gratitude,

Shelly Todd
Revive Skin Services

Room for rent in Bend, OR

Room for rent in Bend, OR

Location Openings