Room for rent in Bend, OR

Room for rent in Bend, OR

Where: Bend, OR
When: Now
Size: 150 sq. ft.
Open or Private: Private
Rental Type: Sublease, Gross
Signage: A-frame lunchboard sign ok, no street signage available
NNN: None
Cost: $530 p. mo.
Deposit: $250
Utility Cost: Included
Services included: WIFI
Services required: Shared cleaning of bathroom & waiting room, take garbage in common areas out, shared cost of TP, PT, hand soap, cleaning products, cups for water and any other shared items in common areas.
Required term: month to month
Share’s OK?: Yes
Other requirements: Must have insurance with landlord as additional insured. Tenant must be quiet in common areas.
Room specs: Upstairs, no elevator, no water in room, carpeted, no major changes to room.
Building specs: In suite bathroom with shower, carpet, A/C, snow removal included, plenty of free parking, shared waiting room, insuiute with massage therapy and aesthetics.

Contact: Shelly Todd
Owner, Revive Skin Services
Text: 541-410-2697

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