Smoke Causes Wrinkles

Forest fire smoke launches caustic particles and gasses into the air when trees and other organic materials burn, now add in pollution from burning buildings, car tires and many other severely toxic things burning in our area right now.  Fire smoke can cause skin irritation, acne, dry skin, redness and ultimately cause free radical damage to cells leading to the break-down of collagen.  Like smoking cigarettes, free radical DNA damage from fire smoke causes accelerated skin aging and wrinkles. 

A scientific study on Natural Antioxidants done in 2018 suggested that natural anti-oxidative ingredients that are formulated well, can protect against DNA damage from environmental pollution to skin.  Be sure to wash with a natural facial cleanser that won’t strip the skin’s natural protective barrier.

Protect your skin by staying inside as much as possible, using an air purifier and applying a natural, well formulated serum and lotion after cleansing.  Washing off the toxic smoke pollution two times per day and reapplying the serum and lotion after each washing will not only help protect your skin, it will also help keep it healthy, unclog the pores and bolster your natural barrier function. You can go one step further by applying an enzyme mask weekly at home to gently exfoliate the affected skin cells away.

Do one better, order a home facial kit to get a deeper exfoliation. Push restart.

Closure Update

Mask and Skin Problems