Closure Update


Hello, I wanted to give you an update on Revive in-person services.. As of now, I am working with many doctors to figure out a plan to get me back to work. Unfortunately, I am suffering from long-term effects of the COVID19 infection. I have some nerve damage and pain but most importantly, I am unable to grip things well and I have numbness and triggering in my fingers. I hope to have things under control in the next few months with medication and surgery to release my persistent trigger finger, which takes several weeks to heal from.

It is my goal to be back to work by early next year, if not sooner. Obviously, I am at the mercy of a new medical condition that doctors are guessing at treatments for. No one knows why I am suffering and we are all working hard to figure it out. In the mean time, I will be promoting and selling my product line to keep Revive bills paid, so I don’t lose Revive in this process. I miss you all and I hope you are all doing well. I really appreciate your understanding and patience.

Shelly Todd
Revive Skin Services
J. Renee Organics Skincare

Find out how J.Renee products will save you time and money.

Article on OregonLive, Reverse 2020 Skin Issues

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